Ian is a very handsome man. He would use his good looks for evil, but he plays a cleric of Bahamut in Michael Elliott's D&D campaign, and he worries about the internal moral conflicts that may arise.
He also knows the WTF Game Jam's other organizer: Andrew Ferguson. The two met in the trenches of sordid retail in the land of Future Shop. After Andrew escaped that desperate fox hole, he found work where the customers were lower level but he got way more loot and XP, so he invited Ian into his party and the two power leveled together for a number of years.
They aren't in the same party anymore. Sure they talk, they go out and reminisce about the good old days, but it's not the same as when Ian kited that ignorant old man screaming about printer drivers while Andrew waited for his Baby Boomer Privilege Rant to proc.
Man. Those were the days.